Available dates

No free dates in June and early July at all now sorry, and it won't be until around the 15th of July until things open up.  Get in quick before they're gone too!

Expecting to be heading overseas for several weeks sometime in August or September too.

Long time...

Oh my, such a long time since I posted anything. Sorry about that. Just too busy.

Here's a photo to make up for it. Not a client, just something I enjoyed - that New Zealand and Japan thing. 



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Time Out Magazine Love Tokyo Awards 2016

I had the honour of being a guest at the Time Out 2016 Love Tokyo award ceremony on December 21st last year.

As a guest, I don't really have any images to share of the event, but it was a really fun evening in Shibuya's swanky Hikarie Hall. The place was packed with really rather interesting people and a great time was enjoyed by all. 

Congratulations to all the category winners. Most impressive. 


International Dwarf Fashion Show

It was recently Tokyo Fashion Week, and the coolest thing I did that week was to take some photos at the International Dwarf Fashion Show. This is an event that started a few years ago and has now become quite popular. 

Quoting GoFundMe, this show's aim was to "...celebrate with great pride little people's contribution to Social Diversity and Fashion."


Quoting the organisation itself, they aim "...to reverse the discriminatory diktats of beauty and to give the opportunity to little people to express themselves by bringing an innovative perspective to the fashion industry."

Anyway, here's a few images from behind the scenes and the show itself.

Field Notes

Out and about today doing some field testing of new simple and mobile lighting set up. Basically filched an idea from Zack Arias about mounting a light and umbrella on a stick. I think he even called it something like 'light on a stick.' 

Seems to work well so far. Just have to pay attention when waving it around. 

A test photo later - maybe. 

Big Day on the Photo Editing Front

It's been a big day today, all in front of the computer. Not such a chore now with my new-ish 27 inch iMac - yay for technology!

Mostly web site maintenance and updates, plus some repeat work for a returning client and also some photo editing work on a back catalogue. 

Here's one edit, all done in Capture One and Lightroom. Perfect subject. Easy and amazing to work with. Great location too, as these were environmental portraits in a small engineering firm. All sorts of interesting machines, cool shadows and shafts of light. 

Back now


I'm back in Japan now.

For anyone considering a portrait session, I would urge you to book as soon as possible, as almost all the available slots for March, May and June are taken. In contrast, April is surprisingly light at the moment. 

Thank you.

Hats Galore

I bought a new hat the other day.

For over thirty years I've admired the sartorial elegance of rude boys and similarly dapper English lads like Mick JonesPaul Simonon and Topper Headon, especially the nice hats they and their contemporaries often seemed to sport. Ting is, I've never found a hat big enough for my head.* Until recently.

Anyway, I've also taken portraits recently of several cool people wearing cool hats. Here are two.


Typed with a little Electric City help from Scorched Earth.

* that was a typo spot of patois & totally accidental - but I liked it & it seems to fit, so left it in

Out of Country

Currently, I'm working on projects outside of Japan. I will be away for the next four and a half weeks (4 1/2 weeks).

I apologise for any inconvenience. 

For clients wanting electronic delivery of further or new work based on images already captured in previous sessions, I will still be able to meet most needs. Please contact me. 

Please contact me with any other enquiries at dean@tokyoportrait.net

Thank you.